Experiential Learning
Writing Portfolio
Rome Study Abroad
In Summer 2019, I traveled to Rome Italy for an Honors Early Fall Start study abroad. The class I took was called Staging the City: Performance, Power, and Identity from Empire to Mussolini.

Pantheon, Rome
Here is a photo I took while on one of the first-class outings. This study abroad was focused around the history of Rome, from its founding, to when Mussolini had control. Every day our professor would take us to different historical sites and museums around Rome to learn about the cities complex and fascinating history. The Pantheon is one of Rome's most pristinely kept historical monuments. It was completed around 128 AD.

The School of Athens
Here is one of my favorite paintings by the famous Renaissance artist Raphael. This painting first caught my eye on a trip to Europe I took with my family and since then I have always admired it. Learning about the significance of this photo on my study abroad was a surreal experience. The fresco depicts the world's greatest philosophers, mathematicians, architects, and more. Centered in the photo are Plato and Aristotle.

Venice, Italy
Here is a photo I took on a weekend trip my friends and I took to Venice Italy. I chose to include it because the city was so unique and it represents one of the first times I went off to travel on my own. I spent lots of time walking around and exploring the city by myself, which was a newer experience for me. By the end of the trip, my camera was full of pictures I took.

Development Internship Disability Rights Washington
Pieces of My Experience at DRW
Disability Rights Washington (DRW) is a nonprofit and designated protection and advocacy agency in Washington serving the over 1.7 million people in our state who have a disability. Their mission is to "advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities." They pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights.
Client Services Intern Forum One
Forum One is a digital development agency that where designers, architects, strategists, and more come together to assist nonprofits, government agencies, and other mission-driven organizations increase their reach and impact. I interned for Forum One as a Client Services intern in Summer 2020. During this experience, I learned a ton about. the organization and client services. I helped create and implement a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Skills Matrix for all project delivery staff to facilitate professional development and structuring project teams equitably. I also shadowed in on client meetings and assisted in content migration and site formatting on WordPress. This experience taught me a lot about website development and client services.